Our restaurants and barsFocus on environment and region
The restaurants and bars of Andermatt Swiss Alps AG and Andermatt-Sedrun Sport AG provide a wide range of culinary offerings. The attentive handling of resources and a focus on products from the region are important to us.
"Klimalieblinge".Be kind to the climate
In the restaurants of Andermatt-Sedrun Sport AG, the menus have been complemented with tasty "Klimalieblingen". These menus have a smaller carbon footprint and give the guests even when eating a sustainable choice.

Plastic.Sharply reduced
Where possible, we purchase food locally and in reusable containers in order to keep packaging waste to a minimum. At the à la carte restaurants, we do not offer PET bottles and use plastic-free alternatives for take-away and disposable dishes.

Power.From the region
Our restaurants obtain all power from hydroelectric stations and wind turbines in the region.

The restaurants of Andermatt-Sedrun Sport AG and Andermatt Swiss Alps AG generate about 10 grams of food waste per guest – as much as a small cherry tomato! Our restaurants are members of the industry association United Against Waste, which is committed to fighting food waste.
We process food remnants whenever possible. Stale bread is used to make breadcrumbs, croutons or bread dumplings. The restaurants keep order volumes low and share goods.
The restaurants on the mountain use lorries to stock their stores prior to the winter season. During the season, they are supplied where possible using the cableways or the Matterhorn Gotthard Railway.
We separate waste. Green waste and material from grease traps are collected and sent to a facility that generates heat or power from them.
OK for everyone. Easy to reach
Our restaurants are part of the OK:GO initiative. That way, they make travel planning easier for people with disabilities, seniors, and families with small children.

Fair.To employees
In high season, our restaurants employ about 150 people with roughly a third on one-year contracts. We guarantee fair pay, contemporary hiring terms in line with the market and social protection. All people enjoy equal rights at our companies.

Value creation.In the region.
By creating and preserving jobs, and by working together with partners, service providers and suppliers in the area, we are making a sustainable contribution to local value creation.