Christmas campaign and early-booker discount for the opening weekend of ANDERMATT MUSIC

ANDERMATT MUSIC startet mit der neuen Intendantin Lena-Lisa Wüstendörfer und dem Swiss Orchestra als Residenzorchester ins Jahr 2022.
From February 4 to 6, experience a diverse opening weekend: first, the Swiss Orchestra with its début concert as house orchestra of the Andermatt Concert Hall, followed by international star Hélène Grimaud and her solo evening at the piano and the ensemble Gläuffig & Friends with folk music in the concert auditorium.
Get your tickets now and benefit until January 5 from an attractive early-booker discount with the promotional code Auftakt22. Or treat yourself to an unforgettable short getaway with one of our culture packages and receive a 10% discount until December 26 with the promotional code Erlebnis22.
In addition, from February to May 2022, you’ll benefit as a member of the GotthardMemberClub from a 20% discount on all one-way tickets . And as a resident of the canton of Uri and an owner of property in Andermatt Reuss or at The Chedi Andermatt, you’ll enjoy a 20% discount on all subscriptions . Children and students under the age of 30 will receive a 50% discount on all tickets.
We look forward to your visit.